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Before you get married, you need:

Marriage licence
You and your spouse, two witnesses and the Officiant / Minister who performed the marriage will need to sign the licence immediately after (or during) the ceremony.
Get a marriage licence:
To get a marriage licence, you will need to:

*fill out a marriage licence application
*bring the completed application to your local city hall, town hall or municipal office
*show original identification with your current legal name, date of birth and signature * both people getting married will need to provide valid identification (at least one *birth* identification; e.g. passport, birth certificate, etc)
*pay a fee (fees vary and depend on the municipality).

A marriage licence is valid for 3 months from the date it was issued.

Marriage Certificate
A Marriage Certificate is the legal record of a marriage. It lists the date and place of the marriage, and names of the people who were married. You need this document to:

*change a last name
*show legal proof you are married
*apply for certain social benefits
*settle an estate

Immediately following the ceremony you will receive a Record of Solemnization of Marriage, but it is not your Marriage Certificate. Before you can get a Marriage Certificate, your marriage needs to be registered. The official who performed the marriage will do this by sending your completed and signed Marriage Licence to ServiceOntario. You must wait 8-12 weeks after the date of your ceremony before you can apply for your Marriage Certificate. Your Marriage Certificate arrives in the mail to the address you indicate in your application

Serving Barrie, Orillia and Surrounding Area ~ Cell & Text 905-460-5540 ~ [email protected]